Floodplain Management Association (FMA)
is the premier organization for floodplain management professionals interested in reducing flood risk and creating sustainable floodplains.
In September 1990, FMA was founded by a group of 11 floodplain management professionals from Federal, State and local agencies as well as the private sector that met in the San Francisco Bay Area. The association serves as an unbiased forum for legislature, government, industry, and science to advance best practices, technologies, policies, regulations and legal strategies, with a focus on California, Nevada, and Hawaii. FMA
has been a chapter of the Association of State Floodplain Managers since 2005.
FMA sponsors an ongoing series of symposiums, conferences, and workshops addressing emerging issues and topics like these:
- Floodplain modeling and mapping
- Land use strategies
- Policies, laws, and regulations — at local, state, and federal levels — to reduce flood risk
- Structural and non-structural flood control system design and operation
- Floodplain restoration and natural resource management
- Flood hazard mitigation, preparedness, and emergency response
- Flood warning and forecasting
- Public education, outreach, and involvement
FMA promotes the development of principles and tools for effective federal, state, and local floodplain management programs and participates in an advisory role in a number of statewide and regional planning efforts such as:
- California Water Plan
- California Alluvial Fan Task Force
- Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project
- Integrated Regional Water Management
- California Watershed Program
FMA membership is a MUST for anyone serious about participating in shaping floodplain management policy and practice in the United States. Members receive monthly updates, special discounts to professional events and unique opportunities for presentations
or sponsorship. Find out more about membership benefits or Join FMA now.
FMA will continue to serve as the premier voice for advancing and promoting flood safety in California, Nevada, and Hawaii, as well as environmentally, economically, and socially-sustainable use of floodplains.
FMA's Mission is to improve flood safety and maximize floodplain resources through effective dialogue, collaboration, education, legislation, and policy.
FMA's values are guided by the practice of floodplain management, a dynamic set of strategies and actions that reduce flood risk and restore, enhance, and maintain the natural functions and resources of floodplains.
- Effective floodplain management incorporates structural and non-structural flood risk reduction strategies, considering the social, economic, and environmental benefits.
- Floodplain management must be carried out in a pro-active manner, not merely in response to flood events.
- Floodplains should be managed for sustainability. Floodplain management policy and practice at local, state, and federal levels must reflect integrated, multi-objective approaches to managing flood risk, land use, and natural resources.
- Floodplain management must leverage the state of the art scientific, technical, and technological resources and methods available.
- Effective floodplain management is critically dependent on the collaborative efforts among federal, state, local agencies, Tribal communities, landowners, and other stakeholders.
- Consistent local, state, and federal policy, guidance, and legislation are essential to providing a reliable social and legal foundation for floodplain management.
- Local communities must be effectively informed of flood risk and exposure to flood hazards. These risks should be clearly communicated by local agencies on maps, plans, and title documents to enable individuals to assess flood risk.
- Regional/local floodplain management plans are an essential mechanism for realizing the multiple objectives of floodplain management to address existing, future, and residual flood risk, and must be developed at the appropriate, watershed-based scale
regardless of institutional boundaries.
- Regional/local flood emergency plans, encompassing flood warning, evacuation, clean-up and recovery arrangements are an effective way to address residual flood risk, and should be based on effective multi-jurisdictional coordination at the optimal
- General plans must accurately reflect the existing, residual, and future potential risk of flooding associated with current and future land uses.
- The State, local, and Tribal entities should engage in close coordination at regional and local scales, as appropriate, to evaluate and mitigate the effects of flood-related disasters.
- Hazard mitigation planning at the most effective scale should reflect a comprehensive, multi-hazard approach to address natural and man-made hazards.
Guiding Principles
- Stewardship: Manage, preserve, and responsibly use association resources to benefit the membership, the profession, and the public.
- Collaboration: Seek opportunities to work with others who share our mission and goals and enhance our work through partnerships.
- Integrity: Promote ethical behavior in floodplain management and demonstrate commitment to high professional standards; value honest dialogue.
- Respect: Recognize the worth, diversity, and importance of all individuals with whom we work and serve.
- Knowledge: Strive for excellence in informing, tracking, and promoting cutting-edge floodplain management strategies. Foster inquiry, reflection, creativity, and innovation, and value the exchange of ideas. Develop and promote leaders
in floodplain management and recognize and applaud achievement.
- Leadership: The Association shall strive to be the foremost authority on floodplain management issues principally in California, Nevada, and Hawaii.
Key Goals
- Encourage the use of effective floodplain management principles and practices through education, outreach, and training.
- Represent, recruit, and involve members and stakeholders in local, state, and federal floodplain management issues and policy.
- Promote leadership in floodplain management.
- Strengthen association partnerships with agencies, academia, and other associations.
FMA hosts conferences, professional development workshops, symposiums, and other events. Popular and informative monthly luncheons are organized in Sacramento and San Diego. FMA publishes a quarterly electronic update and an electronic newsletter several
times a year. Please visit our Membership Benefits page for a more detailed description of FMA activities, check the events calendar, and join FMA now.
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