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Sacramento Luncheons

FMA Sacramento Luncheon Seminar



WHEN: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


WHERE: Sacramento City Utilities, 1395 35th AVENUE, Sacramento, CA (look left when you enter the parking lot we're in the blue roofed building)


TOPIC:   Climate Adaptation in the Delta Area


SPEAKER: Morgan Chow, M.S., Delta Stewardship Council


TOPIC: Delta Stewardship Council staff will share an overview of the flood risk reduction-related content within their recently released public review draft climate adaptation plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The draft Plan contains strategies and actions to adapt and respond to the identified vulnerabilities from the Council’s vulnerability assessment.


Morgan Chow is an Environmental Program Manager at the Delta Stewardship Council, where she works implementing the Delta Plan. Her particular focus includes climate adaptation and tribal and environmental justice. Morgan is a graduate of UC Davis, and holds a Masters in Science in Marine Resource Management from Oregon State University.



PLEASE REGISTER BY 5PM on the MONDAY before the event.


COST: $25 for FMA members, $30 for everyone else. 


Invite others to join us for associating, eating, and learning.

This event offers 1 CEC for CFMs.



Questions? contact George Booth at



Don't miss out!! Register early. Space is limited to 40.


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